'Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa'.
'Let us keep close together, not far apart'.
(Te Whāriki)
These values are the core principles that define our philosophy and determine how our teaching practices will deliver the needs of individual children, parents and whanau at our centre.
We are enthusiastic about our role and the difference we make in the lives of countless children and their families.
We strive to provide a nurturing environment which allows a child to develop holistically.
Partnerships, respect, honesty and open communications guide our practice.
We encourage a genuine love of learning through free play.
Contributions, achievements, identity of our children, parents, whānau and teachers are recognized and celebrated.
All members of Cuddly Kiwis display team work and create a high quality learning environment.
Everyone is welcomed and cultural diversity, different age groups and learning abilities are embraced whole heartedly.